Series - 5 Resources
The youth entrepreneurship project is an initiative for the promotion and revitalization of local economic development. It is aimed at young people a…
Series - 24 Resources
The Toolkit for the Survival and Early Childhood Home-based Global Resource Curriculum contains a variety of helpful information to supplement t…
The lesson “Strategies for Employment After Childbirth” focuses on the caregiver and helps her evaluate returning to employment after chi…
The lesson “New Business Opportunities for Mothers/Caregivers, Part 2” helps the mother/caregiver formulate questions to help her analyze…
The lesson “New Business Opportunities for Mothers/Caregivers, Part 1” helps the mother/caregiver brainstorm ideas for new business oppor…
Series - 3 Resources
The Mother Entrepreneurs series gives mothers of project pariticpants the tools needed to reach financial stability such as identifying potential bus…
“Helping Others and Influencing and Educating Peers” explores 40 developmental assets that promote a positive self-image, wise decision-m…
“Job Placement Skills” is a resource of four lessons that focus on choosing a vocation, writing a resume, filling out a job application a…
“Entrepreneurial and Small Business Skills” is a guide for starting a small business. These lessons focus on microenterprise and empoweri…
The “Basic Principles of Financial Management” discussion guide provides foundational information for managing money wisely. The lessons …
Series - 1 Resources
Through the circle of food sustainability, the aim of this resource is for families to develop the capacity to produce crops in order to have availab…
The resource “My Plan for Tomorrow” is a booklet designed to guide youth through goal setting and future planning. This version of My Pla…
The document, “My Plan for Tomorrow- Student Handout” is designed to guide youth through goal setting and future planning. This version o…
The document, “My Plan for Tomorrow- Tutor Guide” is designed to help teachers effectively guide youth in future planning. This version o…
The “Teachers’ Guide for Ages 9 to 11 years” is a collection of resources designed to equip teachers with the necessary tools to re…
The “Teachers’ Guide for Ages 6 to 8 Years” is a collection of resources designed to equip teachers with the necessary tools to rea…
The “Teachers’ Guide for Ages 3 to 5 Years” is a collection of resources designed to equip teachers with the necessary tools to rea…
The curriculum set, “Youth Development Lesson Plans for Ages 19+, Year 2” is a collection of lessons that aims to equip young adults spir…
Plans for ages 19+ Year 1 Curriculum Set Description: The curriculum set, “Youth Development Lesson Plans for Ages 19+, Year 1” is a coll…
The curriculum set, “Youth Development Lesson Plans for Ages 15-18, Year 2” is a collection of lessons that aims to equip youth spiritual…
The curriculum set, “Youth Development Lesson Plans for Ages 15-18, Year 1” is a collection of lessons that aims to equip youth spiritual…
The curriculum set, “Youth Development Lesson Plans for Ages 12-14, Year 2” is a collection of lessons that aims to equip youth spiritual…
The curriculum set, “Youth Development Lesson Plans for Ages 12-14, Year 1” is a collection of lessons that aims to equip youth spiritual…
The lesson “Introduction to Income-Generating Skills in Your Area” gives the mother/caregiver opportunity to observe a demonstration of a…