The lesson “I Can Serve My Family and Nation” about the different ways they can serve others, including through physical acts, through love, respect,…
The lesson “I Can Serve Others with Love” teaches children to identify and describe what an act of service is and why it is important in God’s kingdo…
The lesson “I Can Be a Servant” teaches children what it means to love and serve others. Each child will state two reasons why he or she should adopt…
The lesson “The Cross and Character (The Roof)” teaches children simple theological concepts with the goal of the children demonstrating commitment t…
The lesson “Stewardship – Our Relationship with Our Environment – (Green Wall)” teaches children simple theological concepts with the goal of the chi…
The lesson “Servanthood – Our Relationship with Others (Blue Wall)” teaches children simple theological concepts with the goal of the children demons…
The lesson “Image-Bearing – Our Relationship with Ourselves (Yellow Wall)” teaches children simple theological concepts with the goal of the children…
The lesson “Fellowship – Our Relationship with God (Red Wall)” teaches children simple theological concepts with the goal of the children demonstrati…
The lesson “The Character and Nature of God – The Foundation” teaches children simple theological concepts with the goal of the children demonstratin…
The lesson “The Word of God – The Rock (Wisdom)” teaches children simple theological concepts with the goal of the children demonstrating commitment …
Series - 7 Resources
The Core Curriculum for the Christian Worldview lesson series is designed for children between the ages of 6 and 8 includes 7 individual lessons to h…
The lesson “Praying for Others” reminds children about the importance of praying for others. Each child will practice and be able to demonstrate how …
The lesson “Identifying Ways to Serve One Another with Love” will further help children to identify ways they can serve others. Each child will recog…
The lesson “Servanthood” emphasizes the need for serving others as part of obedience to God. Each child will be able to list two or more ways he or s…