The Stimulation Activity Ideas resource provides specific examples of stimulation exercises that the caregiver and implementor/tutor/mentor can use t…
Functional Activities and Associated Lesson Plans links functional activities or developmental markers with the appropriate lesson plans.
Extra-Curricular Activities and Service Opportunities is a list of examples that may be used to increase parental engagement. Activities can be conte…
Commonly Used Resources is a list of materials that are primarily used in Group Activities and during Home Visits.
Series - 24 Resources
The Toolkit for the Survival and Early Childhood Home-based Global Resource Curriculum contains a variety of helpful information to supplement t…
The lesson “Encouraging Creative Expression through Art and Music” teaches the mother/caregiver how creative expression through art and m…
The objectives of “Literacy Activity 1” are to: (1) practice reading, writing, and math skills appropriate to a caregiver’s literac…
The lesson “Safe Gross Motor and Fine Motor Play for Your Child” helps the mother/caregiver understand why gross (large) and fine (small)…
The lesson “Providing Multi-Sensory Play in Your Home” helps the mother/caregiver understand the benefit of exploring the different sense…
The lesson “The Role of Play in Your Child’s Development” teaches the caregiver/mother different types of play, and helps her under…
Series - 12 Resources
The Survival & Early Childhood Global Resource Curriculum (GRC) contains Group Activities for Year 1 that bring pregnant mothers, caregivers and …
This film is a part of the Supplemental Curriculum (3-5 Year Old), which is a set of resources designed to accompany Compassion International’s Globa…
This film is a part of the Supplemental Curriculum (3-5 Year Old), which is a set of resources designed to accompany Compassion International’s Globa…
This document is a part of the Supplemental Curriculum (3-5 Year Old), which is a set of resources designed to accompany Compassion International’s G…
This document is a part of the Supplemental Curriculum (3-5 Year Old), which is a set of resources designed to accompany Compassion International’s G…
This document is a part of the Supplemental Curriculum (3-5 Year Old), which is a set of resources designed to accompany Compassion International’s G…
This document is a part of the Supplemental Curriculum (3-5 Year Old), which is a set of resources designed to accompany Compassion International’s G…
This document is a part of the Supplemental Curriculum (3-5 Year Old), which is a set of resources designed to accompany Compassion International’s G…
This document is a part of the Supplemental Curriculum (3-5 Year Old), which is a set of resources designed to accompany Compassion International’s G…
This document is a part of the Supplemental Curriculum (3-5 Year Old), which is a set of resources designed to accompany Compassion International’s G…
This document is a part of the Supplemental Curriculum (3-5 Year Old), which is a set of resources designed to accompany Compassion International’s G…
This document is a part of the Supplemental Curriculum (3-5 Year Old), which is a set of resources designed to accompany Compassion International’s G…
This document is a part of the Supplemental Curriculum (3-5 Year Old), which is a set of resources designed to accompany Compassion International’s G…
This document is a part of the Supplemental Curriculum (3-5 Year Old), which is a set of resources designed to accompany Compassion International’s G…